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Hi @loser_geek_whatever


Sounds like you have been going through a rollercoaster of emotions which is completely understandable. I have been through this and it was hard especially when people want this to work out for you. Crushes are feelings that often come and go and it is okay to not act on them as well. They come with new stages in your life, different priorities that you value, and different attractions that can make it difficult to understand them. 


Start with communicating with this guy and being honest with him about how you are feeling at the moment. That you aren't ready for a relationship and that you really like being friends and you value the friendship with him. It might be a little awkward for a while but with time you both can be really good friends again. With being at school often enough from my experience within the next few days people have something else to talk about if they are worried that it might be uncomfortable at school. 

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