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Hey @AcidMonster55 ,


I am so sorry to hear that you are already starting to feel stressed about the online modules for your university. It is totally normally to be overwhelmed and apprehensive about how to navigate and keep up with the content of the course. Keeping a diary or planner of assignments, lecture times, exams and outside commitments is a really useful way to sort and visualise what you have going on. This can help give some clarity on how you will approach each module and where you will allocate your time. If it has been a while since you last studied it might also be a good idea to refresh some of your study habits and make sure they are still relevant and effective to achieve your goals. Among all of this, make sure you prioritise self care activities to balance out the things you enjoy with the workload your course requires. Remember there is a solution to everything, just breathe, take the time to work out what's going on and never be afraid to reach out to those around you if you need a little extra support! You got this 💚

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