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Hi @Goldenrod_Ferret

I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling with your eating and SH. 

I, too, have struggled with SH, but it's been close to a year, I would say, since I have self-harmed. Has your psychiatrist ever gone over some ways to prevent self-harm, such as holding ice or flicking a rubber band? 

Have you ever thought to see a dietitian? They may be able to give you some advice on ED behaviours. Especially if you find a dietitian that specialises in it. 

Find a Dietitian 

I know how hard it is to feel overwhelmed. I'm sorry you're going through this, especially at your age. Is there anyone at your school you can talk to, such as a teacher, psychologist or friend? It's great you've told your parents. Are they supporting you?

Where I am today, it will be 35; it's way too hot. I hope it's not too hot where you are and you can stay cool. 

One important suggestion is to keep hydrated because you want to keep all your electrolytes at a safe level in your body. If it's really hot and you're sweating a lot, some hydralyte might also help. Make sure you follow the instructions for the power-to-water ratio. 

I hope today is a better day for you. 


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