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Hi @Magenta_Dragonfly


Welcome to the forums!


Thank you for having the courage to open up about what has been going on for you. It sounds like you feel stuck at the moment on your gender identity and that's understandable given how diverse the spectrum of gender experiences can be. I can see that you've been feeling less connected to your femininity and have been feeling more masculine lately, that takes a lot of self-awareness and reflection.


The process of figuring out your gender identity can often take time and there is no "perfect" time to have it all figured out. I thought I'd link QLife here. They're a great service that can provide free and anonymous LGBTIQ+ peer support to anyone in Australia. ReachOut also has some informative articles about gender identity and the difference between gender, sex and sexuality that might be helpful for you.


You're also always welcome here on the forums!

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