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Hey @k0de2 welcome to the forums. I'm really glad that you felt safe talking to the community about everything that's been going on for you, it takes a lot of courage to open up about the difficult times you're facing.


I'm really sorry to hear about how much loss there has been in your life recently. It sounds like you are going through challenges on all sides, from your father's blood clots to losing your friend and your past girlfriend. The fact that you are able to share those feelings and understand that it's scary and hurting takes a lot of strength.


In times like this, it can really help to find supports from those close to us but also from professionals. I was wondering if you have expressed the feelings you've told us about today to anyone close to you? Have you been able to speak to a mental health professional, like your school counsellor or GP? Sometimes it can help to have someone to step you through feelings of grief in a safe space.


I was also wondering if there is anything that you've been doing to take your mind off of things, even for a little while. Maybe it helps to do hobbies, go outside or try mindfulness or meditation. Do you have any self-care strategies that help when things are feeling tough?


I also just wanted to let you know I edited your post slightly to align with our Community Guidelines. We're also sending an email to check in, can you keep an eye out for that?


The community is here for you ❤️

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