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Hi @Rose_Frog 


Thank you so much for reaching out with an update! Please do not feel sorry for reaching out, I am more than happy to provide support 🤗


I am very proud of you for initiating contact between yourself and friend A. Again, I wanted to reiterate what a caring friend you are to take the initiative to not only reach out to your friend in need but also a mutual friend to check in on the situation. From my perspective, it sounds like friend A must be confiding in friend R for friend R to have responded in such an abrupt manner. I wanted to check in on you and how this situation made you feel. How did you feel when your friend A did not reply? How did you feel when you received that response from friend R?


As lovely as it is to reach out to a friend in need, you also need to be mindful of your own mental-health. It is lovely for you to create space for friend A to feel safe and that you extend your hand in support. However, I want you to be sure that you are not negatively affected by not receiving a response from your friend. As long as you feel comfortable holding space within yourself for friend A to reach out, I suppose it would not hurt to send them a message from time to time like: "Hey, I'm thinking of you. I hope you are well." Or, "If you need anything let me know!" 


Looking forward to hearing from you 😊

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