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Hey @utgard thanks for sharing what's been going on for you. It makes a lot of sense to feel triggered by the anniversary of your lowest point, and as Rose_Frog has highlighted, you are not alone in feeling this way. It sounds like this was a really difficult time for you last year and that can be a lot to process. When all those thoughts and feelings come rushing back, it can leave you feeling at a loss since you're at a different place now. I'm wondering if you have any supports you can talk to during this time? We're also here to listen if you want to talk more about what's going on as well.


Do you think some some self-soothing or grounding strategies might be helpful for when you're feeling triggered? We have some resources on self-care here as well as an article about dealing with sad anniversaries if this is something you might like to check out. 


Just a heads up we'll be sending you an email shortly as well so please keep an eye out for that 

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