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What are ways you calm yourself down for sleep?

Hi everyone!


I wanted to jump on and ask about ways you all like to calm yourself down for sleep!


Usually every night, I listen/watch ASMR to fall asleep. I specifically enjoy whispered video gameplay walkthroughs of my favourite games such as Skyrim, Elden Ring, Animal Crossing, etc. I also enjoy fantasy role-plays where the ASMRtist cosplays and creates a set design for a particular game/show/movie/or fantasy world. This allows me to immerse myself in a different world and forget my real-world worries even just for a little bit. I also enjoy wood noises and hand movements. For those who listen to ASMR, what are your favourite sounds?


If I am feeling extra anxious, I listen to guided breathing meditations on YouTube and I find these help take my mind off of what's making me anxious and ground myself. A couple of months ago, I was experiencing health anxiety and I was giving myself heart palpitations. One of the only things that stopped the heart palpitations were these breathing exercises. They helped me so much!


I'm looking forward to hearing all of your techniques!😄

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