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Hi @angriest_star


That sounds like it must be difficult for you to feel this way. I want to say you are not a bad person at all and you are very self-aware to be able to recognise what's going on at the moment. Sometimes when we are feeling emotionally or socially exhausted we can feel like this, I know I certainly have. I started to lack genuine reaction and feel empty around people when I was like this too, Is there anything in your life or several things in your life that may have prompted you to feel like this? 


It sounds like you might be feeling a bit disconnected from people. You mentioned that you have a set of values and morals that goes against them and that is okay. I wonder what they might be and if you could find a group of people who share the same ones. There are lots of online forums and whatnot that can help find people to connect with, even on here. It is also important to note that because you are aware of these you care and your behaviour reflects that you care so you are not a bad person. 

One last thing what sort of self-care activities are you doing? Self care can help us meet our needs which are important and can help with how we are feeling. 


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