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Hey @PeelingOranges thanks so much for sharing that. It was beautiful and so real.


I totally get hiding pain and feeling like you have to, but at the same time, just wishing someone could see it.


Here's some of my writing...


A few months ago

I told him I was

A shattered pottery bowl

Waiting to be fixed


I showed him it

A photo of the pieces

But that was 

Quite a while ago


Now I'm not just 

Shattered, I'm

Crushed and 

In a hundred pieces


Slowly becoming dust

Finer and finer

A pile of powder

Like sand I disappear


But I hide myself

In my box where

No one sees the mess

And I look fine


Maybe my box has

A few bends and

Marks in it

But it hides the truth


I'm not ok

Haven't been in a while

I'm so tired

Running out of energy


I'm trying so hard

To let others see

Joke about death

Don't fake smiles


But they never see

The box hides it

Even though

I tear holes in it


They can't see

However hard I try

And I feel so lonely

And broken, dust


God's supposed to be

Putting this pile

Back together into

A beautiful bowl


But He's taking His time

And I'm scared I'll 

Always be broken

A pile of dust


Cause I'm not just broken

I've been crushed

Till all of me is lost

And I'm not myself.

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