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What is your "values" in life?

Hi friends:) It's been a while since I last came to the forum. I've been busy with studying and uni life, but I'd like to share a little thing I learnt in uni that I think is a very interesting topic to talk about. 

So last week my classes learnt about ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) and I'm just in love with it. So in short, we learnt that ACT is mainly about accepting the fact that some certain levels of stress and anxiety is a normal thing for a healthy mind, and that living and working towards our "values" in life would make our journey more enjoyable. It's not the same for setting up goals, when you don't only focus on the final prize but also find contentment in the process of moving toward that goal. 

That's why I've been reflecting on my own "values" in life. Two of my biggest values are "curiosity" and to "enjoy learning". Reflecting on such values has been helping me deal with uni life for a while now, because it helps me to accept the confusion in learning and not to think of myself as stupid whenever I struggle with studying. Reminding me of my values helps me to remember that confusion is a part of learning too, which is an important part in being curious. It helps me feel a bit better about myself in my journey of pursuing a uni degree hehheh.

So I tend to think of "values" as guidance in our life. That's why I'd like to know about your "values" too, if you feel comfortable enough to share.

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