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Hey @Elia ! Here are my tips for appearing more fem:
- Wearing nail polish or getting your nails done, if you're afraid of what your family will say clear nail polish is really good
- Voice training yourself ot have a higher pitch, I believe there are some youtube videos on this one 

- Wear some makeup, even if it's just a light coat of foundation or a bit of mascara it can make all the difference 
- This one is a big one but getting your firsts pierced on your ears, the less painful alternative is wearing clip on earrings 
- Wearing jewelery in general is also pretty good 
- Use the feminine alternative of different products, eg wear women's deodorent instead of men's etc 
- Getting rid of body hair

Also I just wanna say that I completely understand how you feel. I'm genderfluid and I like to present masculine half of the time and my fam ain't always for it either. However, keep your head up and be proud of yourself for being your authentic self! You're really brave for doing so. But I hope at least some of these tips help you out!!

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