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Hi @Elia


Thank you so much for sharing. That's so sweet that your partner has lent you a dress and perfume. They sound really lovely. I think there are some great tips that people in the comments have given already! I'm a cis female but I'm queer and like to present more feminine or masculine at different times. I personally feel more feminine when I wear makeup. I know it can be difficult to buy when you're young but you could see if any female relatives or friends have some you can use! Otherwise, places like Kmart have some cheaper options. Makeup takes a lot of practice so I recommend watching tutorials online to get better. When I feel like looking feminine, I also love painting my nails, or even just growing them longer and shaping them nicely with a file! Someone also mentioned earrings - but if your parents are too strict to actually get a piercing, I would recommend clip-on earrings! I think you can find some at Kmart or Lovisa for cheap. They can make your ears a little sore if you wear them all the time but maybe you can wear them when you put on your dress and feel extra pretty! The other thing I do when I want to feel feminine is different hairstyles. You can find lots of tutorials online about how to incorporate bows, learn braiding or other cute hairstyles for all different lengths of hair! I love wearing my hair in double french braids and putting bows at the end when I want to feel extra feminine. 


Other than that, even just changing the way you walk and your posture can make you feel more feminine. I tend to adopt mannerisms from TV shows/movies so it might help to watch how feminine actors present themselves and mimic some of the characteristics you like! I tend to do this often with male characters to feel more masculine. I hope some of these help and make you feel more feminine ❤️

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