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@Lemon_Dolphin Thank you so much for reading it, it makes me really happy when people can feel touched by what I've written. From our past conversations, I can tell we have some similar feelings about hiding pain, so I'm glad to be able to share my feelings with you too😊

Your writing is lovely and very heart-wrenching at the same time. I love the metaphor of the broken pottery, I think it really speaks volumes about how it can feel to be breaking into smaller and smaller pieces whilst feeling like you're just a nuisance that needs to be cleared away.

It also reminded me of a Japanese pottery form called 'kintsukuroi', where broken pottery is glued back together with gold lacquer. This art form is meant to highlight breakages rather than hide them away, and many like to see it as a celebration of how we mend ourselves after going through pain and carry ourselves with pride. Your writing really resonated with me and I can empathise with this feeling of being irreparable, so I just thought I'd share this with you because it definitely helps me feel that all hope is not lost and we can come out stronger on the other side.

Thank you for sharing something so beautiful and personal, I'd love to exchange more writing with you in the future!!

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