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Hi @greyskies

I can see that you're going through a really tough time at the moment. What you're feeling is a normal part of the grieving process of losing a relationship. It's great that you've acknowledged that the relationship may not have been the best thing for your wellbeing even though it hurts to lose the relationship. There's a lot of strength in realising that. 


You mentioned your friend group is understanding of your situation. Do I have that correct? If so, it might be worthwhile thinking about what you need from them most at this time and communicating to them how you feel. I know this can be daunting, but chances are they are wanting to help you get through this. 

You also mentioned you've lost interest in hobbies you used to enjoy. Could there be a new hobby that you could try? Some people find that starting a new hobby helps them to refocus their attention and work through their emotions. A new hobby might also help to re-spark some of that lost passion for previous things you enjoyed. I also find that listening to music that relates to how I'm feeling can help me get through powerful emotions. 


You don't have to go through this journey alone and please reach out for further support if you need. Try to remember you were a whole person before you got into a relationship, and it will just take some time to put those pieces back together again🙂

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