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Hi @Parzival

Welcome to the forums and I am sorry to hear you haven't been coping well lately. 

I was wondering if there is anyone you have spoken to about this, friends, family, or doctor. They can be great support systems until you are coping better. If not do you have a pet or something you can spend time with, they can help you feel less lonely at times. 

I was also wondering what sort self care and mechanism you are already using to help combat this. I have found that for self-care I like to really immerse myself in my hobbies and interests so for me that's reading and baking. I will also do a lot of journalling during this time and if it is a continuous subject that bothers me or increases my anxiety, I'll write down my worries and then rip the paper up into a thousand pieces. It just takes some weight off my shoulders. 


With coping mechanisms, there are a lot of great ones, like breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, temperature changes etc. Even moving your body can help, simple stretches in bed or on the floor if you're feeling unmotivated can help. 

I hope some of this helps 


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