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Hey @Solgaxer 


It sounds like you are going through a very tough time right now. Thank you for being brave and reaching out that is awesome. 

Friendships can be really tough, and I can relate to what you have said. It can feel so exhausting and make you feel unwanted when you are always initiating everything. Have you ever chatted to your friends about how you feel? Although people are busy, you should never feel like you are taking up space and time. Your time is just a precious as everyone else’s.


The dating world is also pretty tough out there! I have heard so many stories similar to yours and it sucks that the online dating world has become a very robotic slightly over sexualised place. I’m sorry you are experiencing that. Is there a particular dating app, or method you use? I have heard that some sites are better than others so it may be worth looking at using different methods.



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