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@PeelingOranges I totally agree. Here's the other two. Hope you enjoy them.


Let me be your therapy

I wrote a poem

Said I can’t be your therapy

But I don’t know that

I agree with me anymore


Because now I think I

Want to be your therapy

So let me be your therapy

Please just give me a chance


Let me be your therapy

Because I need it

Makes me feel like I’m

Doing something worthwhile


Let me be your therapy

Because I’d get to love like

I wish I was loved

The way I never felt I was


Let me be your therapy

So I can know you feel how

I desperately wanted to feel

But never felt because of others


Let me be your therapy

Even though I need it myself

Even though I’m drowning

Even though I’m broken


Let me be your therapy

Even if I need it too

Because being your therapy

Is like therapy for myself


Just let me be your therapy.


and the last one...


Can’t but maybe let me

Don’t know what I

Want anymore

One minute I say something

Then change the next


First say I can’t

Be your therapy

Because I’m struggling

And need my own


Then I change my mind

And beg you to

Let me be your therapy

Because I want to


One moment I can’t

The next moment

It makes me feel

Good and helpful


One moment I’m drowning

And don’t want to

But then I feel better

When I’m helping


Sometimes it hurts too much

And it breaks me

But other times

It helps me so much


So I’ll say again

Can’t be your therapy

But I might change and say

Let me be your therapy


Can’t but maybe let me…
















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