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@Lemon_Dolphin Oh my gosh, I love how the first two poems come together in the last one! I can really feel the internal conflict you're trying to express, it's definitely difficult to try to reconcile your need for help with your desire to help others.

It reminded me of a line I read in a translated Chinese novel. One character says to the other, "If you don't help yourself, how can you help others?" And the character responds, "If you don't know how to help others, how can you help yourself?" I think it really shows how helping others and being helped yourself are actually really intertwined, because we're naturally social creatures who need to depend on each other to survive. So I really like the sentiment of your last poem- that maybe you're not in a space to help right now, but helping others is also helping yourself in a way, so it would be nice if you were allowed to. I think, in that, there's a yearning for receiving that same help from the other person.

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