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Rookie scribe

TW: I don't want to turn out like my Father

Do daughters turn out like their father? I'm 14

and my father was not a good person at all. Involved in drugs, abuse, and in and out of my life.

My Mother always says that I'm turning into my Dad, or that doing something exactly like my Dad. Usually, she says this stuff to me if we are having an argument or if she's mad at me and wants to get a reaction out of me. But this makes me think so much that I'm going to turn out like my Father and I don't want to. And the fact my mother rarely apologises for saying makes me think that she means it. I love my mum but she is toxic and doesn't understand that it hurts me, I get that is says stuff that hurts her at times, but at least I apologise. She always thinks what she says is justifiable, so I never hear the word sorry. Because of my dad I never really had a 'normal' childhood. I was always taking care of my sister and acting like a second parent while my parent was going at each other's necks. I remember once that we were living in a dingy apartment that had thin walls, my mother suddenly started balling her eyes off and went into the bathroom of the apartment which was small.  My mother was always that say first and think after type of person. Today when again she said I was my father, all over because she told me that I had to help my sister finish a project that was due the day after. I told her that I couldn't and that I couldn't cause I had my work to do. (I'm a straight-A Student and it's very demanding to maintain). My sister has many disabilities that restrict her ability to learn and my mum never bothered to consistently sit down and help her and always pushed and bribed me to try to help her when I didn't even know how to help myself. She retorted after I told her why am I the only one who helps her with her learning and that whenever we do help her with her learning it's always me and rarely her. Considering there haven't been many attempts to help her I do try my best, even though I feel like it's never enough. We started arguing back and forth and she said that I was my Dad cause I was lying about always being the one who mainly helps my sister. I just dropped it cause I was too tired to argue and needed to get my work done. But it made me think I would turn out like my Dad. I try to maintain excellent grades so that I can make something of myself and prove that I won't end up like my drop-beat Father. But I'm only a teenager and I wanted a life that would endlessly secure me and my sister if anything happened in the future. I try to communicate to my mum about what I feel but it always ends in me having a panic attack or us arguing and dismissing me. I don't think I can win with this woman at this point. I just want to turn out like my father but I feel like I already am.

Don't get me wrong my Mum provides for us and puts a roof over our heads which I'm grateful for, but I do not know anymore, sometimes I question if anything is worth it because if I'm going to turn out like my Father what's the point of even trying to change it.
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