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2. Meeting new people and making friends


Is meeting new people and making friends something you struggle with? If it is, you’re definitely not alone. Whether you’ve struggled to make connections all your life or it’s become harder as you’ve gotten older, the community has your back. 

Many of you have shared some obstacles you’ve encountered when forming connections, including:

  • finding people who really “get” you
  • moving beyond “superficial” conversations
  • knowing where to meet people
  • putting communication skills and strategies into practice
  • struggling to trust people
  • being neurodiverse in a neurotypical world.

Some suggestions from the community about making new friends included:

  • joining a social group (e.g., club or society)
  • practising self-care
  • going to new places
  • acknowledging that making friends can be really tough at different points in your life for different reasons (e.g., transitions from school)
  • pushing yourself out of your comfort zone
  • having conversations online and face-to-face
  • challenging unrealistic expectations.

Some resources you might find helpful:

Over to you!

Have you ever struggled with meeting new people and making friends? What’s something that’s helped you?

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