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10. The loss of a friendship


Ending a friendship can be really tough. You might be feeling angry, sad, hurt, confused, relieved, or any number of emotions. The end of any relationship can come as a loss, and you may even experience grief. 

Whatever the circumstances around the friendship break-up, whether it was mutual, their decision or yours, or out of both of your control, it’s important to make sure you’re feeling supported.

Tips from the community about how to deal with a friendship break-up:

  • Whatever you’re feeling is valid — be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel.
  • Moving on doesn’t have to mean forgetting the good times — allow yourself to cherish those memories.
  • It can and probably will feel bad for a while, but it does get easier with time.
  • There might be something you can learn from this experience..
  • Embrace meeting new people, and be open to new experiences.
  • You don’t have to go through it alone.

Remember that not all of these suggestions will be right for you, and that’s okay. The loss of a friendship can be a very personal thing.

Some resources you might find helpful:

Over to you! 

What advice would you give to someone going through a friendship breakup?

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