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Hi @Asparagus_Hedgehog 

Welcome to the ReachOut community!


I can see how not passing one of your subjects is having a pretty big impact on your mental health, on top of things not going well with the guy you're talking too. That's a whole lot to deal with all at once and I really want to thank you for having the courage to reach out while you're going through what sounds like a really difficult time.

With all the pressure of uni it can sometimes feel like there's a set path you're on and any setback is really upsetting. It can be really helpful to have some support when you're going through this, I'm wondering if you've been able to talk to any friends or family about what you're going through at the moment?

It's completely understandable that you're feeling uncertain about what to do right now, a lot of people feel that way when they get their exam results back and didn't do as well as they hoped. It sounds like a real challenge finding out where to go from here, I'm wondering if you've thought about getting in contact with the student support services at your university? They can be really helpful for getting some idea of what you might be able to do going forward, and a great support to have in the future.

I understand things are really tough for you at the moment, it might be helpful to check out these articles on coping with disappointment and coping when things feel out of your control. It could really help to chat to someone about what you're going through too, Headspace provides free and confidential web and phone support and have a whole range of study supports that are worth checking out too.


Looking forward to your reply!

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