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Hi @mt08_ ,
I am so sorry this has happened to you, this is an awful situation and you didn't deserve any of it. You are incredibly brave for reaching out on here and sharing your story.

In my opinion, the best course of action is to tell the school about what has happened. I understand that he mentioned the burner phone but it's still important the school is aware of what has occurred. The school should also be able to support you through this and be able to take the steps necessary to give you justice. This is something that he could end up in jail for after all.

I also recommend talking to someone you trust about this just so you can some stuff off your chest and have that social support. Maybe even see if you can attend some counselling sessions as to lessen the the stress produced by this situation.

I also just want to let you know that none of this is your fault and what those people did is awful. I hope it all resolves soon and if you ever need to vent about this situation you can always come back here ☺️

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