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Hi @Lemon_Dolphin

First off, it's amazing of you to seek out different coping mechanisms! As someone who has also struggled with self hard, I understand how much strength it takes to ask for help with these sorts of things, you are doing amazing ❤️

For me, I found that drawing was an amazing outlet. It may not give you that dopamine rush but it was a great way to put my energy towards whenever I felt the urge. And you don't even need to be good at drawing, even just scribbling on a page can help.

As @fishyie said, I can see why your counsellor recommended sprinting so maybe you can try other forms of exercise at home? It sounds cringey but there are some free "at home workouts" on YouTube that you can put on and follow along. They cater to many different types of exercising, levels of endurance and usually don't require any sort of equipment. 

I don't know if you may consider this "pain" but eating something really sour like warheads might help as well. I found that really sour foods got my mind off the urges at the very least. Also sour candy can be quite yummy hehe. 


Again amazing job for reaching out and looking for alternatives. You are doing an amazing job ❤️

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