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That sounds really tough @PeelingOranges. It can be really hard to change these thoughts. We treat ourselves so much more different than what we would other people. I think we just need to learn that it’s ok to be vulnerable and not be perfect all the time. One way I have learnt to do this is looking at what I have accomplished in life. I’ve overcome a lot particularly with anxiety and I always make it a habit to look back at the things that I have gotten through. Giving yourself credit when you achieve things, no matter how small is always a great thing. You might be feeling overwhelmed but you should pat yourself on the back for your strength and perseverance. Treat yourself with kindness and give yourself breaks regularly. It is okay to put yourself first. As you said, it will be worth it in the long run because you will find your studies to be a more positive experience when you take care of your mental health. 


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