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Return to community - I'm back

Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to say how excited I am to be back here and how much I can't wait to catch up with you all. 

I hope everyone has been well.

I'm in week 11 of uni, and it is pretty busy at the moment. I still don't have a job, but I have had several interviews over the past few months, and I have one next week, so I am hopeful for something soon. 

At the moment, for my research uni, I am doing a research proposal on stress and anxiety among university students and whether mindfulness-based meditation can help with that. It is a group project, so I'm not doing it all alone. We won't have any participants for this research as it's just a proposal. 

I have been catching up with the group of girls I met at the brunch. We went to the zoo a few weeks ago and plan to catch up in June. 

I have three exams coming up on the 31st of May, 7th and 14th of June. 

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