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Working towards healing

Hi everyone,

I just want to share some things I've been working through towards healing and some things I've found really helpful in my journey to healing.


Looking at where I find worth in unhealthy places - I've been self reflecting and seeing where I'm looking for worth where I shouldn't be. Some things I've come up with are appearance (I often compare my size to a friend who is just recovering from anorexia and then I feel like I have to be small like her), performance (my mother always had high standards so I always felt I wasn't good enough when I got a 70% in a test), acceptance from others (I'm always worrying what others will think and not accepting myself for who I am). With this knowledge, I am going to work on finding worth in the right places.


Choosing healing over hurting - in the past, I've kind of just let myself feel bad and not been consciously focusing on healing. I've sat in self-pity and chosen to do the wrong things for healing even though I know it won't help, because I don't want to feel better yet. However, I have chosen to focus on healing even when I want to go back to those old habits.

Sometimes this means choosing to get out of my negativity by having a shower or something to change my focus.


Self-care - sometimes self-care is hard to practice just because it takes so much energy. But when I know a day is going to be hard, I've thought about ways I can make it easier and plan how I will self-care later. I've also made sure I have support, even if I'm not actually sharing what's going on but just chatting with someone.

Self-care is also a great way to slow down when life gets busy or stressful. Our bodies need rest to stay healthy, both physically and mentally.


Relationship - I've also been spending lots of time with friends, building deeper relationships. Spending time with people boosts my moods.


I'm so happy to be able to say that 

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