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Hey @Turquoise_Emu, welcome to the community and thank you for sharing a bit about how your relationship with your boyfriend ended. I can hear how much you've been blaming yourself and feeling like you were the one who messed up the relationship, which is a lot to take on. Most of the time, I don't think how a relationship ends is ever 100% one person's responsibility. I can also hear that this wasn't the outcome you wanted and you tried to communicate openly about how you felt about him following and being friends with this other girl. 


It sounds like you're worried about being "too insecure" and you're not alone in having these worries. It's really understandable to experience anxiety, especially in romantic relationships. We had a discussion a little while back in the community about Anxiety in Relationships, which you might like to check out. We also have an article about coping with a breakup, living with relationship stress, and managing the pressures of a relationship, which might offer you some understanding or closure about how the relationship ended.


I'm wondering if you've been able to talk to anyone in your life about how you've been feeling? Or if there has been anything that's been helpful during this time? Breakups can be really brutal, and the community is here for you

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