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What is 'Concept Creep' and why we should all be aware of it

First of all, I think the increasing amount of conversations we are having about mental health is amazing! This is so important to spread awareness, but also for everyone to feel heard. However, sometimes there are ways in which everyday conversations can may undermine the states and experiences felt by people with mental ill-health


Concept creep is the gradual increase of mental health-related concepts to broader domains


"That football match was soooo traumatic"

"I am so depressed"

"I have PTSD from that shot of tequila"


The broadening of mental health concepts away from their intended use and population may make people feel that themselves and their diagnosis/feelings are undervalued, undermined, misunderstood and possibly stigmatised.


There is a very large difference between something making you feel annoyed, and clinical Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Furthermore, the idea of trauma is one such concept in which the meaning has broadened significantly. I think much like language surrounding other important social issues, the language around mental health should be extra mindful!


Please let me know your thoughts!


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