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Hey @apricotprincess !


I think you've created some amazing boundaries there! I totally understand slipping up on occasions, sometimes we tend not to put ourselves first, but I think its important to do so.


I also want to say you are being really strong by committing to telling your partner/friend immediately when they've violated your boundaries, because it can often be hard to tell someone they've made a mistake, as we don't know what their reaction may be, and we also don't want someone close to us feeling bad. However, this is the best way to move forward, and make sure it doesn't happen again, because we have to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing.


In terms of having personal boundaries this is what I do:


- Communicating when I'm working and studying --> I really can't focus on my study or work if I am talking to someone at the same time, so I make sure to communicate when I am doing these things, so that we don't disturb each other.

- Communicating to them clearly when family time is, and not mixing conversation in between that.


A lot of my other personal boundaries are similar to you 🙂 


Hope this helps!


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