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@apricotprincess this definitely is not spoken about and can often be a difficult conversation, so I love this post.


Only the other day, I was having a conversation with a friend about boundaries and what we each needed to do when our boundaries are pushed, or even crossed.


I do this thing where if I am overwhelmed, or I've had the longest day, I stare. I had a friend who was super high maintenance and I couldn't focus when I was in this state and they were just talking at me. But for another friend, who is very low maintenance, she can talk, I can stare off yet we both know that I am listening to every word she says. So, for me, I absolutely need downtime. This gives me the time to switch off and rewind, then I can go back to being my happy self.


I will be honest, I'm still working on how to tell people when they've crossed my boundaries, it can definitely be awkward and hard to tell people so I have been guilty of ignoring the situation until it happens again.


The boundaries you and @Mulberry_Jay have listed are amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else writes.

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