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Hey there @sc0ut


Thank you for reaching out!! Ah yes, from one uni student to another, I can completely relate to the stressful whirlwind of exam season. It is really difficult figuring out how to prioritise everything without burning yourself out. It sounds like you recognise that you have been finding it tricky to ensure you keep up with self care, including eating and drinking water as well as keeping up with adulting (me too don't worry). The transition to full-fledged "adult life" with all its responsibilities can be really tough, especially when you're still a student. Please don't beat yourself up - you're absolutely not an imposter! Adjusting to this level of independence takes time and practice.


Here are some tips that I use during exam season to help manage all of my priorites:


  • I set alarms on my phone for breakfast, lunch and dinner time with cute little messages like "Breakky time!" etc. to remind myself to make time for some food. 
  • I like to put a waterbottle next to my desk/bed and take it around with me, because I find it much easier to remember to drink water if it is always right in front of me. 
  • For budgeting, I tend to be in the mood to spend extra money as a distraction during exam season. For this reason, instead of spending money, I make a pinterest board called "exam wish list" and when I am tempted to buy something, instead I find cool pictures of that item and add it to my wish list.  


I hope some of these tips are helpful for you 😊 Be kind to yourself! You've got this. Oneday at a time. Don't hesitate to reach out for support from campus resources if needed. Wishing you the very best!



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