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Super frequent scribe

Hi @Poppet21,


Welcome back to the forums! Thank you for your courage in sharing what's been going on for you. I'm sorry to hear that your friends haven't been treating you well. I want to let you know that no one deserves to be treated that way. I can see that you really valued your relationship with your best friend and it's natural that feeling excluded by someone you trusted, would be extremely upsetting and negatively affect your self-esteem.


I'm wondering if you've had a chance to talk to anyone about how you've been feeling? If you would like some 1-on-1 support, Kids Helpline can offer free 24/7 counselling support over the phone or via webchat. We also have some articles here on dealing with a toxic friendship and tips for improving your self-esteem.


I'll also be sending you an email so keep an eye out for it!

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