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Firstly I would like to say that I admire you for your bravery in sharing your story about your sexual identity. I think this is amazing to share to people who might be unsure themselves and sharing this could really help them feel less alone and maybe understand themselves better.


Whilst I don't have personal experience with this myself I am so glad that your family is as supportive as you have described. I was raised in a similar environement by a mum who is also attracted to women so if I were uncertain about these things or was attracted to the same sex I would have the support. This was a great and supportive environment to grow up in as I was about 3 at the time and my mum and dad had a very positive end to their relationship. It also made me well educated and I grew to respect other peoples identities and really appreciate how unique everyone is. Again, I am so happy to hear about your story and it sounds really positive. Thank you for sharing 🫶🏻

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