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@miso_soup congrats on your new job!! So exciting! I started a new job a couple months ago now and it was truly so nerve wracking - so i definitely relate 😄


I use the same bag for work and uni, which I find really helps me organisation wise in the sense that I don't have to switch things from one bag to the other!


My essentials are pretty similar to yours i think + a few extras:

  • wallet, phone, keys!
  • water bottle (with ice cubes in it!)
  • snacks (i love a nut bar with chocolate at the moment)
  • hygiene essentials (inluding any necessary medication, hairties, lip balm, bandaids etc)
  • headphones!
  • a pen and pencil
  • sometimes a book! (im trying to substitute looking at my phone for reading in spare time at the moment!)

I hope everything goes well with your new job!! Sending good luck and good vibes!


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