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Hey @Matcha_Toad 😇 welcome to the community! 


This is such a great post to start the arvo with - one question that really resonates with me is: "What emotions are present in my body? Where am I feeling them?"


I often find that when I'm stressed or anxious I don't really "feel" those emotions until I do a quick body scan and realise I'm holding a lot of tension in my face/jaw or that my hands are trembling. This used to catch me off guard a lot when I was younger until I incorporated these daily check-ins (sometimes lots of times in a day if it's a difficult one) into my routine. Now it's basically second nature to pause, have a little wriggle and get in touch with where my head's at!


Another question I like to ask myself is: "What brightened my day today?"


When life gets tough (or even just a bit monotonous) I think it's natural that the hardest parts of our day are the ones that stick out the most. Because of this, I like to do a rewind of my day before bed and try and pick out a bright moment to reset my mind a little while I go to sleep. Sometimes it's just noticing someone's cool outfit in the street or my cat sitting next to me on the couch, but if it caught my attention then that's good enough! I think making a conscious effort to end the day on a positive note (even if it doesn't feel like much in the moment) is a great way to check in with ourselves and encourages us to look out for the things that bring us joy🤗

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