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Hey @Watermelon_Stegosaurus I deeply resonate with this post as someone who has always struggled with studying - especially maintaining focus!


Something that revolutionised my world last year was discovering app/website blockers for my phone and computer (I chose Freedom but there are so many out there)! I am a total procrastinator so having all my go-to sites and socials locked for a few hours while I studied really changed my approach - it stopped me from jumping from my phone to notes every few minutes and let me get into that focused state much quicker! I basically would have no choice but to study until my apps unlocked lol


What helped this even more was getting to a library for these study sessions - not being able to jump in bed/clean my room/chat to my parents as a distraction and having the "commitment" of walking or commuting somewhere often gave me more motivation to achieve my study goals (+ it's totally boring there when you can't doom scroll on TikTok). 


Good luck with your exams & try to balance your study with downtime even if you're feeling a bit behind - you won't take in as much info on a tired mind!🤗🌱

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