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How StrawberryShortcake04 practices self-care!


Hi everyone!

I'm new to ReachOut. I can't wait to explore this awesome community and finally get myself involved!


I just wanted to create a lil post about how I practice self-care when things get tooooo overwhelming. This is especially true for me as a full-time student, working part-time, and having partial care-taker duties at home.


1. Schedule out your rest/leisure times, but do not force yourself to do anything if you do not have the energy

I have a pretty packed schedule, so in order to make sure I have time for myself to relax and do things I enjoy like reading, playing video games or whatever I feel like at the time, I schedule these times in.


Do not however, force yourself to do these leisure times you have scheduled for yourself. You should be looking forward to it and want to do it. If you do not, it is ok to take a breather and just rest. Rest is important for the mind and body.


2. Catch up with a friend/family mate

Chuck a message or give your family member or friend call. Preferably one that you trust and enjoy spending time with. See if they'd like to go out for some food or have time to talk on the phone with you. Talking to my friends help me so much, it helps lifts some pressure off my shoulders and I am also reminded that there is someone there supporting me. 



That is all I have for this one as of now, stay hydrated and warm! 










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