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Hi @Pinkfluffyunicorn24

I unfortunately know far too well what it's like to lose a friend. Although I don't have BPD, and cannot speak on that part, I can sympathise about how hard it is.


I've had friends that overnight flipped a switch and became a horrible person, friends that believed a rumour over myself, and friends that I just outgrew. I think it's best to use a positive mindset although it can be extremely hard. 


I would definitely recommend speaking to someone about this, like @kaizerbiker did. Especially with feeling your BPD adds to your abandonment issues, speaking about it may be best.


Other than that, in my personal experience, distracting yourself with things you love doing, spending time with family, and also weighing up why this change is a good thing, in the end, are things that I used to try to slowly move on from this.


It isn't easy, but I believe in you, and so does everyone else in this forum 💕

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