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Hey @strawberryshortcake04 welcome to ReachOut!!


I love your post idea and your ways of self care. I also study full time and have just starting working a near equivalent to full time so self-care is definitely what I'm searching for right now!!


I also try to schedule my down time, usually for me, it's running the errands that I'd rather not do over the weekend when shops are packed. During my down time, I plan my shopping list, do my groceries, go to the bank, and go to Kmart (more often than I should 👀😊).


Then when I get home, I pack away groceries, meal prep my lunches and dinners for the week, and try to write out what my week looks like.


Other than that, I spend far too much of my downtime scrolling on my phone, so I'd love to see what others do so I can try and avoid my doomscrolling hehe


Looking forward to seeing what others post about 😊



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