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Hey @mw24 I want to thank you for doing what some people are afraid of doing. This takes a lot of bravery in a world that can sometimes be so cruel to those who are struggling.


I really resonate with what you said about your family being supportive but also feeling as though you have no reason to 'not be okay'.


I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety and also PTSD which was something that I really struggled to wrap my head about. I also have many ADHD and OCD tendencies and as I'm getting older, I've also noticed a lot of behaviours and thoughts that can be drawn to autism. But I am in no way saying that I do have those, they're purely observations I've made, as well as some close friends and family.


But part of me really struggled to understand that it's okay to not be okay. Sometimes you can just be feeling a bit sad, but also to accept that sometimes things happen and as a result, I feel sad.


For the most part, I'd like to think I'm pretty good at 'managing my sadness' and I find that speaking to my close friends and family definitely help to pull me out of it. Even a quick text from my Mum can improve my day by 10000%.


Again, everyone at ReachOut is here for you and well done for speaking about this 💕😊

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