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Hey @Watermelon_Stegosaurus


[Sorry for the late reply, but maybe this might be useful for future exams you may have.]


Thank you so much for sharing this, as a student I understand what you may be feeling. 


For time management, what really helps me is using a student diary where I document the things I need to get done and the due dates for assignments. When I can see a visual representation of when my work is due I find it easier to get those tasks done. Similarly for exams, I make a checklist of all the topics covered in the exam and for example, if there were 5 topics then I'd start revising 5 weeks before to give myself a week per topic. I feel that a week per topic gives me enough time to consolidate my knowledge without stressing last minute, although for some last-minute revision works the best (I wish I could do that)


For retaining information, I have found using flashcards really helpful and also quizzing my friend (and vice versa). I make different sets of flashcards for each topic and go through them with my friend, and if I don't get some of them correct I review the flashcard again and again until I get it right. I understand that creating flashcards and then revising them may be a bit of a hassle (how I used to feel), but for me, they have significantly improved my grades.


For note-taking, I follow a very traditional approach. I like to take notes using my notebook, as writing helps me remember the information better.


I, like many, get distracted by social media so I recently downloaded an app called AppBlock and I find that useful.


Lastly, I want to mention that exam preparation can take a toll on our mental health and sleep is crucial when it comes to studying and maintaining focus. So please don't forget self-care and take the time to do things that bring you happiness.


I really hope my contribution was helpful and please reach out if you have any questions!



Kind regards,


the_amazing_goose 🙂

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