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Hi @Asparagus_Hedgehog

I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling anxious and worried. University can be incredibly stressful, especially with the added stress of family expectation and work. 


I want to share something with you - I didn't get the grades I'd hoped for in my undergraduate degree either, I spent a long time stressing over my situation after graduation (I'm still kinda in the middle of figuring out what my next steps are, as I want to do postgraduate studies but feel like my grades aren't good enough). But I'm taking it one step at a time at the moment, and I recently landed a job I've always hoped for, despite the setbacks!!! Your grades don't define you at all, there are so many pathways to get to where you want to be. Sometimes the journey isn't very straighforward, but that's okay.


Have you considered reaching out to anyone at uni about how you're feeling and your next steps? I found speaking to the uni's counselling service, academic advisors and my professor super helpful whenever I was feeling worried about my studies/grades. 


You're not alone in this & things will get better. Wishing you all the best ❤️

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