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Hey @Asparagus_Hedgehog , this sounds like a really stressful and overwhelming time at the moment. I have also had lots of anxiety about my future and my studies - you are definitely not alone. Like @miso_soup said - have you been able to check out your options with the uni? Uni's often have really supportive staff who are there to talk about this kind of stuff and help you with different pathways like bridging courses. They have lots of students come to them who are in very similar situations - so they understand your stress. 


I know it can be tricky, but do your best to remember that your career pathway does not have to be perfect - most people's are not! It may have lots of changes and twists and challenges in the process. Pressure from other people can be so overwhelming, but remember that it is never your responsibility to live up to the expectations that other people have created for you. Take care of yourself in the meantime and do some little things that make you happy. Let us know how you go! Thinking of you and wishing you all the best 🙂 


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