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Dear @Asparagus_Hedgehog 


There are numerous replies providing guidance but I just wanted to add to it.


I am in a very similar situation, so my heart really goes out to you.


I think just trying to be kind to yourself and evaluating your next steps, ie how can I improve or if i need to change jobs or repeat a subject, how do I achieve this


I know it feels like the be all and end all, but I promise one subject does not define your intelligence.


Its so difficult but setbacks help us learn and grow, but it’s so hard and can really affect our mental health so maybe consider reaching out to a counsellor, Reachout peer chat or looking at our forums regarding dealing with exam stress and academic anxiety. Also managing depression, if this is relevant.


Things will work out in the end. I know how hard it is, and I’m trying to remind myself of all these things I’ve written so easier said than done, it hurts, but please know you’re not alone and things will turn out!!



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