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Hi @the_amazing_goose , I completely agree!


Thank you for sharing how your understanding of self-care has changed over time. I think I had a similar experience in realising that yeah self-care can look however you want it to. Agreed, it doesn't necessarily remove the stress, but it helps you actually enjoy your life and not let the stress consume you. 


For me I think the most effective form of self-care is honestly just maintaining the smaller routines. Like making sure you eat when hungry, and shower regularly. When life, specifically uni for me, is hectic, those things can sometimes fall by the wayside, so making sure you eat is important. If I get too focused, I can forget sometimes 😅.


Otherwise, watching your favourite movies and shows, or finding new ones are one of my favourite forms of self-care. My attention span is a little broken, so I usually do a craft while doing that too hehe.


Spending time with friends, which can look like a quick one-hour call or planning something for the end of the week you can both look forward to, immensely helps. Some of my friends at uni and I have a specific day where we can spend time together, study, catch-up and things like that on campus, which help maintain our sanity throughout the semester😂😂.


Okk that's enough rambling from me. I would love to hear what all you other community members do for self-care too!!

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