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Hello @miso_soup thank you so much for taking the time to create this fantastic list! 


I love the points you have shared, especially about money and budgeting, I will definitely check out that app. 


My tip is also regarding budgeting and a useful way to save money as a young adult. Something I have been doing for a while now is creating an Excel sheet containing all my monthly expenses. Although I don't live independently, I work and contribute money towards my car (e.g., fuel, rego, etc.) and other costs. I have found it so easy to save money by compiling my monthly expenses in an Excel sheet and reviewing at the end of each month to see how much I've saved in comparison to the previous month.


In Excel, I can get a good visual image of my daily expenses and it also helps me identify costs that I can reduce, such as decreasing my urge to online shop (I go a little crazy sometimes, but don't we all?).


I really hope this tip is helpful for anyone out there hoping to save money. As an adult, I believe it's TIME to become financially responsible because the world is getting expensive. 

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