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Hi @Bearded_Dragon,


Thank you for reaching out, and I’m really sorry to hear that you’re struggling with self-care and dealing with such a tough inner voice. It’s so important to recognise that you are deserving of self-care and kindness, even if it doesn’t always feel that way 💜


First, it's great that you have a playlist of emotional worship songs that help remind you of your worth. Music can be incredibly powerful in lifting our spirits and providing comfort 🎧


Here are a few steps you might consider to help improve your self-care routine and challenge those negative thoughts:


1. Start Small

    • Begin with simple self-care activities that don’t feel overwhelming. This could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths in the morning, drinking a glass of water, or stepping outside for a few minutes to enjoy the fresh air. It can truly be anything as small or simple as this.


2. Challenge Negative Thoughts:

  • When you notice those negative thoughts creeping in, try to challenge them. Ask yourself if there’s any real evidence for those thoughts. Often, we are our own harshest critics, and those negative thoughts are not reflective of reality. 


3. Positive Affirmations:

    • Write down a few positive affirmations that resonate with you and place them somewhere visible. Reading them out loud or while looking in the mirror daily can help reinforce a more positive self-image. An example of this can be: 

“ I am worthy & good enough to be looked after and cared for” 


4. Set Realistic Standards:

  • Remember that it’s okay not to be perfect. Setting realistic and achievable goals can help reduce the pressure you put on yourself. This in itself is a form of self-care!

5. Incorporate Enjoyable Activities:

  • As @KaizerBiker mentioned, identify activities that you enjoy and try to incorporate them into your routine. This could be reading, drawing, going for a walk, or anything else that brings you joy!

It’s important to be gentle with yourself and recognise that self-care is a journey. You are worthy of care and kindness, both from yourself and others. I'm here for you whenever you need to chat. Take care, and remember that you deserve to feel good about yourself ☺️




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