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Hi @Pinkfluffyunicorn24


I can see that you’re going through a really tough time at the moment. Dealing with controlling and manipulating parents would be incredibly challenging and I can understand why you’re feeling frustrated and upset. It can really hurt when you don’t see eye to eye with family and I appreciate you reaching out for support.

I think you’ve done a great job at trying to set boundaries by working towards getting your Ps and housesitting to gain some more freedom. I can see why it would be stressful when your parents keep trying to intervene, so kudos to you for persevering.

It sounds like you might also be struggling with feelings of anger towards your parents. You might find it helpful to talk to someone close to you (like a friend) about what you’re going through to further get things off your chest. This article also suggests some great strategies for blowing off steam and working through your feelings.


Conflict with family can be quite distressing so please remember that you don’t have to go through this alone and reach out again if you need further support. 

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